

검색 범위(복수 선택 가능)

웹사이트 내 전체 검색컬렉션 검색전람회 검색이벤트 검색홍보자료 검색


トップ > 뉴스 > 2023 > Additional MINGEI exhibition mini gallery talk by MOGI Folk Art directors Terry Ellis and Kitamura Keiko scheduled for tomorrow, September 13, 2023

Additional MINGEI exhibition mini gallery talk by MOGI Folk Art directors Terry Ellis and Kitamura Keiko scheduled for tomorrow, September 13, 2023


A mini gallery talk event has just been scheduled for around 15:00 tomorrow, September 13, 2023. The talk will be given by MOGI Folk Art directors Terry Ellis and Kitamura Keiko who handled the installation for the third chapter of the MINGEI: The Beauty of Everyday Things exhibition that is being held now.

Mini gallery talk by MOGI Folk Art directors Terry Ellis and Kitamura Keiko
Date and time: Starting around 15:00 September 13, 2023
Venue: Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka 4F Galleries
Admission: Free (No advanced reservation required)
* An exhibition admission ticket for that day is required. Make sure that you have an admission ticket for entering the MINGEI: The Beauty of Everyday Things exhibition galleries on the day of the talk.

Check out the exhibition before it ends on September 18, 2023.