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トップ > 뉴스 > 2024 > New information related to Trio: Modern Art Collections from Paris, Tokyo and Osaka , about collaboration with artist Daichi Miura, original merchandise, and related events

New information related to Trio: Modern Art Collections from Paris, Tokyo and Osaka , about collaboration with artist Daichi Miura, original merchandise, and related events


We are announcing new information related to the exhibition Trio: Modern Art Collections from Paris, Tokyo and Osaka , a special exhibition celebrating the museum’s third anniversary, running from September 14 to December 8, 2024, including news about a collaboration with artist Daichi Miura, original merchandise, and related events.

See the following press release for details.

New information related to Trio: Modern Art Collections from Paris, Tokyo and Osaka , about collaboration with artist Daichi Miura, original merchandise, and related events (PDF)