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トップ > News > 2024 > LIGHT—Works from the Tate Collection saw its 100,000th visitor

LIGHT—Works from the Tate Collection saw its 100,000th visitor


The number of visitors to the exhibition LIGHT—Works from the Tate Collection reached 100,000 today (Tuesday, January 9).

Ms. Kamioka Sanae of Osaka City (photo, left) became the 100,000th visitor to the show. To celebrate reaching the 100,000-visitor milestone, Director of the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka Sugaya Tomio presented Ms. Kamioka with original merchandise and the official catalogue for the show as commemorative souvenirs.

The show ends this weekend on January 14, 2024. There is still time to see the exhibition.

100,000th visitor Kamioka Sanae (left) and Sugaya Tomio, Director of the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka (right)