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Aug. 1983 Project for construction of museum of modern art included in basic plan for Osaka City centennial projects.
Nov. 1988 Committee for the plan to create a new museum of modern art established.
Apr. 1989 Osaka City fund for acquiring works of art established (3 billion yen fund).
Dec. 1989 Committee for the plan to create a new museum of modern art issued its report (regarding the plan to create a new museum of modern art)
Jan. 1990 Museum of modern art acquisitions committee established. Museum of modern art review committee also established.
Nov. 1990 Museum of Modern Art Planning Office established.
Nov. 1991 Committee for the basic plan to create a museum of modern art launched.
May 1996 Buried cultural properties surveyed at Osaka University Faculty of Medicine site, finding a stone wall and other remains of an ancient landing point.
Mar. 1998 Report regarding the basic plan to create a museum of modern art received from the committee for the basic plan to create a museum of modern art.
Oct. 1998 Southern half (8,000 m2) of Osaka University Faculty of Medicine site purchased for construction of museum of modern art.
Feb. 2001 Onsite briefing held at remains of ancient landing point at Osaka University Medical School site.
Mar. 2002 Field survey of buried cultural properties ends.
Feb. 2003 Northern half of site (8035.22 m2) purchased from the national government.
Oct. 2004 Shinsaibashi Temporary Exhibition Space opens.
May 2009 Committee on the future of the museum of modern art established.
Jan. 2010 Opinion received from committee on the future of the museum of modern art.
Nov. 2010 Plan to Establish Osaka City Museum of Modern Art (draft) announced. Opinion of Osaka City Administrative Evaluation Committee requested regarding appropriateness of establishing a museum of modern art.
May 2011 Final evaluation of large-scale project received from Osaka City Administrative Evaluation Committee.
Nov. 2012 Shinsaibashi Temporary Exhibition Space closes.
Feb. 2013 Strategy Council decides to establish a new art museum in Nakanoshima.
Apr. 2013 General plan for Osaka City Museum of Modern Art Planning Office adopted, replacing earlier plan.
Jun. 2013 Strategy Council decides to aim to integrate operation for three museums, the Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts, the new art museum, and the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, but not integrate the buildings of the Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts and new art museum.
Apr. 2014 Strategy Council confirms the draft of the Osaka City Museum of Modern Art Development Policy, and decides to aim for opening in 2020.
Sep. 2014 Osaka City Museum of Modern Art Development Policy decided on.
Mar. 2016 Decision on policy for the museum to be built by the public sector and run through a private finance initiative.
Feb. 2017 Architect selected through open competition for museum design.
Sep. 2017 Basic design work completed.
Oct. 2018 Name of art museum is chosen asNakanoshima Museum of Art, Osakathrough an open call for proposals.
Nov. 2018 Osaka City Museum of Modern Art Planning Office renamed Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka Planning Office.
Feb. 2019 Construction work commenced.
Mar. 2019 Visual identity designer selected through open call for proposals.
Apr. 2019 Administrative Agency for Osaka City Museums established.
Jun. 2019 Public announcement of implementation policy for a private finance initiative project to operate Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka. Public announcement regarding selection of designated corporation and application guidelines.
Feb. 2020 Public announcement of party holding preferential negotiating rights for the PFI project.
Apr. 2020 Concession agreement concluded with Osaka Nakanoshima Museum Co., Ltd.
Jul. 2021 Osaka Nakanoshima Museum Co., Ltd. concession takes effect.