

검색 범위(복수 선택 가능)

웹사이트 내 전체 검색컬렉션 검색전람회 검색이벤트 검색홍보자료 검색


Oral Histories of Postwar Japanese Art

* Titles and affiliations were current at the time of the interviews.
* Copyright in the oral histories on this website is owed by the speakers, and the histories are published with their permission. They can be used only for citations, etc. for the purpose of research (such as academic papers and presentations). Furthermore, these oral histories are transcribed from audio recordings made by the interviewers, edited, and published after receiving consent from the speakers. When referencing or citing them, please indicate the source based on the example below.
Example of source citation: Oral history from Mukai Shuji in “Oral Histories of Postwar Japanese Art,” interviewed by Sugaya Tomio and Kunii Aya, Nakanoshima Museum of Art, July 25, 2017, accessed November 12, 2020, https://nakka-art.jp/learning/research/oral-history/