

검색 범위(복수 선택 가능)

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トップ > 뉴스 > 2023 > Submissions from “Let’s write a letter” event related to Saeki Yuzo show are now online

Submissions from “Let’s write a letter” event related to Saeki Yuzo show are now online


In the “Let’s write a letter” event, which was related to the exhibition Saeki Yuzo: Emerging from the Urban Landscape that was held from April 15 to June 25, 2023, children viewed artworks in the exhibition, and gave free rein to their imaginations as they wrote letters to the people or things they noticed in the artworks. A sampling of the many letters submitted by the children has now been published on the website of Nihon Bunkyo Shuppan, joint organizer of the exhibition and event. Check it out.

Nihon Bunkyo Shuppan publishes sampling of letters from “Let’s write a letter” event organized by the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka and Nihon Bunkyo Shuppan (Only available in Japanese)
