

검색 범위(복수 선택 가능)

웹사이트 내 전체 검색컬렉션 검색전람회 검색이벤트 검색홍보자료 검색


トップ > 뉴스 > 2023 > Call for people to take part in an “elegant gathering” experience, The Harmony of Tea—A journey encountering the elegance of the Song dynasty

Call for people to take part in an “elegant gathering” experience, The Harmony of Tea—A journey encountering the elegance of the Song dynasty


We are looking for people to take part in the event The Harmony of Tea—A journey encountering the elegance of the Song dynasty, an “elegant gathering” (yǎjí) experience organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China that will take place in the multipurpose space on the second floor of the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka.

Date and time: 15:00 – 16:00 May 23, 2023
Venue: Multipurpose space on the second floor
Capacity: 20 (Minimum age: Fifth grade students in elementary school)
Admission fee: Free

Sign up here.