
Industrial Design Archives Project
Industrial Design Archives Project

Industrial Design Archives

Industrial Design Archives

About the product information

The source of the product information listed varies, with some supplied by the manufacturers, some taken from catalogues and other literature about the products, and some the result of actual product research.
Although all the information sources are known, there are some cases where we have been unable to confirm the information listed. Making all kinds of information publically available in this way is part of the Industrial Design Archives Project’s quest to improve its archive creation, making it possible to collect ever more detailed and reliable information into the future.

  • Television

  • radio

  • washing machine

  • Vacuum cleaner

  • telephone/fax

  • battery-operated

  • accessories

  • electronic calculator

  • microwave oven

  • electric rice cooker and jar

  • electrickettle and thermopot

Copyright for the images featured on this site belongs to the photographer or the provider. All unauthorized copying, reproduction, downloading, printing, and distribution is prohibited.