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トップ > 뉴스 > 2025 > Announcing extended hours for UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI – The Spellbinding Ukiyo-e Works of an Eccentric Artist

Announcing extended hours for UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI – The Spellbinding Ukiyo-e Works of an Eccentric Artist


Announcing extended hours for UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI – The Spellbinding Ukiyo-e Works of an Eccentric Artist

We are extending the hours for the exhibition UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI – The Spellbinding Ukiyo-e Works of an Eccentric Artist by one hour on the last three days of the show, resulting in a showtime of 10:00 to 18:00 on February 22 to 24. (Last entry at 17:30)

* The hours for the current exhibitions Space In-Between: Shizuko Yoshikawa and Josef Müller-Brockmann on the fifth floor and Osaka Directory 9 Supported by RICHARD MILLE: KOURYOU on the second floor remain unchanged—they are still 10:00 – 17:00.