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トップ > 뉴스 > 2023 > Details about NAKKA Kids Communication program—Session 4: Me and Someone Else

Details about NAKKA Kids Communication program—Session 4: Me and Someone Else


Continuing on from last year, the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka’s children’s learning program NAKKA Kids will hold three workshops this year in cooperation with graf yochien, which is operated by “graf.” Beyond simply making “things,” the workshops entail forms of expression that make use of the whole body. The topics this year will be “Seeing/eyes” and “Wearing/skin.” Sessions based on these topics will be held in which children will feel their world expand limitlessly using their imaginations.

Round 4, the first program this fiscal year, is “NAKKA Kids Communication program—Session 4: Me and Someone Else.”

Details about the event and how to apply can be found in Japanese on the following webpage.
