

검색 범위(복수 선택 가능)

웹사이트 내 전체 검색컬렉션 검색전람회 검색이벤트 검색홍보자료 검색


トップ > 뉴스 > 2023 > Museum’s Visual Identity Project wins Japan Typography Annual 2023 Grand Prix

Museum’s Visual Identity Project wins Japan Typography Annual 2023 Grand Prix


The Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka Visual Identity Project by Onishi Takasuke of direction Q inc. has won the Japan Typography Annual 2023 Grand Prix.

– A list of recipients of Japan Typography Annual 2023 awards can be found in Japanese here.

Onishi Takasuke features in the following interview video and articles in Japanese.

Creating an art museum’s image: Architecture, visual identity, and furniture design for the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka (Official Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka YouTube channel)

NAKKA NEWS Vol. 10 (News in preparation for museum opening/Onishi Takasuke interview, Part 1)

NAKKA NEWS Vol. 11 (News in preparation for museum opening/Onishi Takasuke interview, Part 2)